The Case for Disaggregated Data: What are you missing?

In today's data-driven world, information is king. But, not all data are created equal. The real magic happens when data is disaggregated – broken down into its smallest components, revealing insights and patterns that might otherwise remain hidden. For businesses, collecting and using disaggregated data isn't just a best practice; it's a strategic imperative for staying competitive, meeting the diverse needs of your customers, users, beneficiaries and team. Most importantly, disaggregated is an important step in advancing equity. Let’s delve into the case for harnessing disaggregated data through an equity lens.

Wait, what *is* Disaggregated Data?!

Before we dive in, let's clarify what we mean by disaggregated data. Essentially, its data that has been divided into smaller, more detailed components. Instead of looking at broad trends or averages, disaggregated data allows us to analyze information at a granular level, like demographics, geographic location, customer segment, or product category.

The Power of Precision

One of the primary benefits of disaggregated data is its ability to provide a more precise understanding of behaviour, preferences and interesting patterns. By drilling down with specificity, you can tailor your products and services to better meet the needs of different customer groups. More critically, you can also get a better understanding of who you have and haven’t been serving, and where gaps in your processes and outputs are. This precision is particularly important when viewed through an equity lens, as it enables businesses to address the unique challenges and preferences of underserved or marginalized communities.

Are you missing huge opportunities?

Disaggregated data fuels innovation by uncovering new opportunities and trends. By analyzing data from diverse sources and perspectives, businesses can identify emerging market trends, customer preferences, and unmet needs. This enables them to develop innovative products and services that resonate with their target audience. When viewed through an equity lens, disaggregated data can help identify disparities and gaps in access to products and services among different demographic groups, prompting businesses to innovate in ways that promote inclusivity and address systemic inequalities.

What does this look like in the real world

Disaggregated data allows us to see not just gaps in our business, but in broader society, that your business can meet, leverage, and solve. I’m sure you’ve used a mouse and keyboard - in fact you may be using one right now! However, traditional mouse and keyboards may pose obstacles for someone with limited mobility, by collecting data around how different service and product users adapt and purchase Microsoft products, an opportunity to design better more accessible tools emerged. In 2022 Microsoft announced a new suite of accessories, including mice and keyboards, designed to give disabled people greater access to technology. In addition to making it easier for more people to use computers, the new Microsoft adaptive accessories support 3D printed add-ons so that consumers can customize each piece according to their specific needs and create their ideal setup. Each piece is designed in partnership with disability consultants to empower people who may have difficulty using a traditional mouse and keyboard to create their ideal setup. These adaptive accessories can perform a variety of functions, thereby alleviating a pain point for those who find it challenging to get the most out of their PC. To be clear, this wasn’t a purely altruistic endeavour but a critical business design, with the buying power of disabled people in the United States, alone, being around USD 490 billion.

Enhancing Decision-Making

Ok, let’s talk process! Disaggregated data enhances decision-making across your organization by providing detailed insights into various aspects of the business. Your segmented data empowers decision-makers to make more informed and strategic choices that put people at the centre. Collecting and analyzing data that is desegregated gives you an opportunity to identify and address biases and disparities within your own operations, enabling you to make decisions that creates better products and services and allows you to be a market leader. Whether it's optimizing supply chain processes, allocating resources more effectively, or identifying areas for improvement, disaggregated data provides the foundation for data-driven decision-making that advances equity within the organization and beyond.

Meeting Regulatory Requirements

In an increasingly regulated environment, collecting and using disaggregated data can also help businesses ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Many industries, including healthcare and finance, are subject to strict regulations governing data privacy, security, and reporting. By maintaining detailed records and implementing robust data governance practices, businesses can demonstrate compliance with regulatory standards and mitigate the risk of fines or penalties. When viewed through an equity lens, disaggregated data can also help businesses ensure that their practices and policies are fair and non-discriminatory, helping to build trust with customers, regulators, and the broader community. As always, we at QuakeLab encourage you to think of mandatory regulation as the floor - not the ceiling. A lot of excellent work has been produced around Indigenous data sovereignty and ethical data collection, storage and use in general. Let that be your floor!

The case for collecting and using disaggregated data is clear. From driving innovation and enhancing decision-making to meeting regulatory requirements and delivering better services and products, disaggregated data unlocks a wealth of opportunities for you to thrive in a competitive landscape. By investing in disaggregated data collection, analysis, and interpretation capabilities, you can harness this data to gain a deeper understanding of your customers and clients, identify new opportunities, and drive sustainable growth. More importantly, it enables you to address disparities. In an era where data is king, disaggregated data reigns supreme as a force for positive change, equitable outcomes and better business.

Sharon Nyangweso