What we do

QuakeLab is a full-stack inclusion and communications agency that provides the tools, expertise and methods to take your vision for inclusion from idea to action. We engage a team of functional experts in areas which include human resources, finance, web development, branding, user experience design, business management, and more. When you hire QuakeLab, your outcomes are founded in best practices established by leading practitioners and experts. 


Design Thinking + Inclusion™

QuakeLab’s Design Thinking + Inclusion workshop will bring your team through the process of developing a strategy for inclusion, diversity, and belonging in your organization.

Based in a framework of design thinking and results-based management, this workshop positions inclusion as a functional and integrated part of your organization’s structure. We work with your team to develop a measurable strategy for diversity, belonging, and inclusion that is built in to your processes, culture, and systems for real, measurable change.

The workshop brings your team on a journey from recognizing gaps and challenges in your organization to powerful co-creation of solutions with clients, employees, and stakeholders. A focus on measurement and evaluation means that you will be able to see and track the transformation an inclusion strategy will spark in your organization.

We collaborate with you to customize the Design Thinking + Inclusion workshop to your needs, so you can meaningfully engage women, people of colour, Indigenous and First Nations persons, LGBTQIA+ folks, people living with disabilities, and other equity-seeking groups in your work, organization, and community.


Inclusion, belonging, and diversity ASSESSMENTs

QuakeLab provides inclusion, belonging, and diversity assessments to help you understand the current state of belonging in your organization and your work. We help you listen to your team, clients, and stakeholders to deeply understand challenges and growth opportunities. Assessments are fully customized to your needs. We incorporate approaches like listening sessions with current and past employees to empathetically understand their experiences, perspectives, and vision for inclusion and belonging; documenting the successes and challenges of your inclusion efforts; and researching your client and stakeholder needs and demographics to better inform your work and strategies.


We work with you to review your projects, programs, and curriculum with an inclusion and accessibility lens. If your clients, customers, beneficiaries, or stakeholders include equity-seeking groups, we’ll help you ensure that your approach is inclusive and accessible so that you can be confident in your impact.


INCLUSIVE Communications + Digital Engagement

QuakeLab offers a full suite of communications, branding, and digital engagement services, with a focus on inclusivity and accessibility.


Digital events and communities

QuakeLab works with you to design and run events, workshops, hackathons, digital communities, and design thinking sessions that are built for digital collaboration – not just adapted to it. This is where QuakeLab got started, and we love working with organizations to to design, build, and launch events for digital audiences that are impactful, targeted and inclusive.

Communications, Branding and Marketing

Your audience is diverse. QuakeLab works with you to develop inclusive communications, branding, and marketing strategies that are simple, clear, compelling – and reaching the right people. We make sure your strategy, messaging, tactics, and tools are accessible, inclusive, and helping you to achieve your goals.

Inclusive REMOTE work

We support you with best practices and strategies for engaging a remote workforce. With organizations increasingly moving to remote and home-based work environments, inclusive approaches are critical. Who is being heard, seen, and influenced – and by whom? How are you ensuring that your organizational culture is sustained and fostered? We use the same design thinking and results-based management framework from our Design Thinking + Inclusion workshop to help you build an inclusive digital culture.

Website accessibility and wcag 2.0 compliance reviews and recommendations

As of January 1, 2021 in Ontario, all websites and web content published by public sector organizations or by private and non-profit organizations with over 50 employees are required to meet a baseline set of accessibility requirements. This isn’t as challenging as you might think! QuakeLab works with you to review your current website and web content, and help you plan for and implement these requirements.